Search engine optimization SEO company in Dubai is the procedure of designing, writing, and
coding a website in a way that helps to improve the volume, quality and
visibility of company website by people using search engines via the natural or
un-paid ("organic" or "algorithmic") search results. While other
forms of search engine marketing (SEM) target paid listings. Search engine
optimization SEO services in Dubai is a marketing strategy that helps in
enhancing company website presence. Companies need to communicate with consumers every
day; they need to know what their wishes, needs, and preferences are. They also
need to provide the best product/services for individual customer. And with the
help of multi-channel marketing they may use different marketing channels to
reach a customer.
Companies try hard to attain higher rankings for their websites because when a
site appears at the beginning of the search results list or top of the page and
more frequently, the greater the likelihood that users will visit the site. To
achieve higher ranking, SEO company in UAE provides a variety of techniques,
it include increasing links from other
websites to company web pages, editing the content of the website, reorganizing
the structure and organization of company website, and coding changes.
way of communication with customers is through corporate web pages. And if
company aims to take part on the first page or first row when people enter the
keyword in the search engines they must use search engine marketing (SEM
company in Dubai) techniques because of lower costs and one of them is search engine
optimization (SEO company in UAE). SEM is an element of interne marketing promotional
mix besides viral marketing, social networking and virtual communities and
traditional elements of promotional (advertising, sales promotion, personal selling,
direct marketing, public relations and publicity). Search engine optimization is widespread in
the world of online advertising; a 2010 survey of 1500 advertisers and agencies
revealed that 90% of them engaged in SEO compared to 81% who purchased
sponsored links. This increased importance is attributed to the direct of
online advertisement on sales.
Many advertisers hire
agencies to run their search engine marketing campaigns and include them in
their marketing plans. In these plans, the advertiser pays the agency a fee for
each conversion (i.e., acquired customer) but the agency pays all of the search
marketing costs.
Search engine marketing (SEM)
Search engine marketing (SEM) company in
Dubai, is defined as, placing messages on a search engine encouraging click
through to a web site when the user types a specific keyword phrase. “Today SEM
company in Dubai is arguably the most important digital marketing channel for
customer acquisition. The fact is that all of us turn to a search engine when we
are seeking a new product, service, some entertainment or just information. The
key to successful SEM company in Dubai is achieving key phrase relevance since
this is what search engines strive for- to match the combination of keywords
typed into the search box to the most relevant destination content page SEM company
in Dubai is great for targeting audience at the moment of intent. It can help create
a level playing field where small companies can be listed alongside well-known
brands to increase their awareness and drive response.
The two main disciplines of SEM company in
Dubai are Search engine optimization (SEO) - the process of trying to rank
highly a given web page or domain for specific keywords and Pay-Per-Click
(PPC). Third type that is mentioned in
the literature is trusted feed including paid-for inclusion.
Search Engine
Optimization (SEO)
SEO company in Dubai has been defined in different ways
by authors to capture the dynamic nature of this concept. defined SEO as a
structured approach used to increase the position of a company or its products
in search engine natural or organic results listings for selected keywords or
phrase. Search engine optimization (SEO company in UAE) is a set of techniques aimed at improving the
ranking of a website in search engine listings, thereby making it more likely
that the end user. SEO gathers the techniques leading to a better indexing of
one’s site by one or several targeted search engines. It is also defined as the
process of identifying factors in a webpage which would impact search engine
accessibility to it and fine-tuning the many elements of a website so it can
achieve the highest possible visibility when a search engine responds to a
relevant query. Its role is to achieve the highest position or ranking on
search engines, such as Google, Yahoo! and MSN Search and so on, after a
specific combination of keywords or key phrase that is typed in.
Search engine is some kind of software,
which collects data (web site URL, some keywords or keyword groups that define
the content of the web site, the code structure that forms the web page and
also links provided on the web site) about web sites which are indexed and
stored on a database. Search engines may return many millions of documents for
each user query (entered keyword), but the user only looks at a selected few so it is very important for
companies to be on the first page, to have good SEO services in Dubai.
Search engine optimization
(SEO) can be divided into two categories:
organic and paid optimization. Organic SEO refers to achieving good
search rankings for a website without paying for it. And paid SEO or search
engine advertising (SEA) may be best known
in the form of Google
and Overture.
Search Engines Work
To develop efficient and successful SEO
techniques we need to consider how search engines work and what people are
looking for. There are basically two types of search engines that collect
information in different ways. The first one is Crawler-Based Search Engines
(e.g. Google and AltaVista), while the second one is Human-Powered Directories
(e.g. Yahoo Directory and Search engines are complex software
applications that are automated to survey (“crawl” or “spider”) the Internet to
find websites. A Search Engine crawler is also referred to as “robot” or “bot”
and it’s a program, which searches or browses the Web in a logical, automated
manner. Search engines use crawlers to find up-to-date information. Crawlers
are mainly used to create a copy of all the visited pages. These pages are
processed by a search engine that will index the downloaded pages to provide
fast searches (Innovation PEI). These search engine ‘bots” generally index
sites based on their content and links (i.e. how many websites link to your
website). Therefore, a high number of links, links from authoritative/reputable
websites, and websites with similar content/keywords are valued higher by
search engines.
SEO Dimensions SEO factors
are notoriously difficult to enumerate, as search engines do not reveal the specific
factors used when determining the ranking of a website. SEO factors can generally be categorized into
two groups. The first group, known as on page factors, includes those factors
related to information that can be gathered directly from the pages of a
website whose relevance is to be optimized, such as the existence and frequency
of keywords. The second group, known as off-page factors, includes those
factors related to information about the website being optimized that can be
collected from other, external websites. This study will focus on on-page
factors. Search engines constantly work to improve their ranking calculations
which complicate matters further. As calculated relevance of webpages has been
observed to have varied over time, due to changes in the relative weights
assigned to individual SEO factors, as well as the incorporation of new factors
and the elimination or modification of others. In the case of Google, for
instance, the identification of more than 200 factors which have varied over
the lifespan of the search engine has, thus far, prevented the definition of a
precise method by which the high ranking of a website on the search engine
could be guaranteed. Despite these difficulties, the peer group assembled by
SEO identified the most critical SEO components to include keywords, titles,
web site name, and the right top level headings. With the proper usage of a
keyword phrase, a web site is more likely to appear in the first page of search
results and be seen by the people that an organization wants to get to their
web page. Google recommends that a web site page should have a short but unique
and accurate page title. The description meta tag is not seen on the page, but
should have useful and more detailed information than the page title. The
common elements that occur among different sources are the elements that were
used in the instrument. The SEO component include these seven items: the H1 header tag, page titles, description
meta tag, relevant keyword use, user friendly page address, Sitemap.XML file
presence, and Robots.TXT file presence.
Benefits of SEO
We can summarize some major benefits and advantages of SEO as follows:
1) The primary advantage of SEO company in Dubai is that your company can be ranked in top 10
without any fuss. Users are most likely to choose from the addresses appearing
on the first page of results. If your website ranks high, your site becomes
much easier to find, thus increasing traffic.
2) SEO is a good investment on the long run. A
successful search engine marketing strategy can generate steady levels of
traffic to the website, a great return on investments, and enhance awareness of
brands and vendors.
3) If
your site is designed and optimized properly SEO
company in UAE is cost
effective compared with conventional marketing, Search Engine Advertisement SEA
and pay per click advertising PPC. Using SEO
company in Dubai save
much time and money and can stay longer than other tools.
4) SEO leads to the increased brand visibility
for your site, the more times a company’s website is visible in the search
results, the better the company’s online visibility.
Increased accessibility leads to higher sales for your products and services.
6) The
search engine is also coming to play a greater role as a critical link between
firms that use the Internet to build their image and find their target
7) In
order to achieve excellent results it's not enough to use SEO services in Dubai.
The company needs to have a good website with a good design to actually attain
the customer. The content on the website has to be “useful, usable, desirable,
accessible, credible, and valuable”.
8) In
general, if the company manages to achieve the above mentioned points, this
will results
in improving the company image as well as
growth in sales, market share, credibility and referral businesses online.
Research conducted worldwide on search engine
optimization is considered very few. We can assume that this research is the
first one to tackle this issue in Jordan and maybe in the Arab world as well.
Most of the research focused on search engine in general, search engine
advertisement and search engine optimization in education. Based on that,
research that link SEO with online advertisement is considered very rare. In
the following lines we will highlight some of previous studies focused on SEO,
SEO services in Sharjah and online advertisement.
The purpose of Evans paper was to
identify the most popular techniques used to rank a web page highly in Google.
The paper presents the results of a study into 50 highly optimized web pages
that were created as part of a Search Engine Optimization competition. The
study focuses on the most popular techniques that were used to rank highest in
this competition, and includes an analysis on the use of PageRank, number of
pages, number of in-links, domain age and the use of third party sites such as
directories and social bookmarking sites. A separate study was made into 50
non-optimized web pages for comparison. The paper provides insight into the
techniques that successful Search Engine Optimizers use to ensure a page ranks
highly in Google. Recognizes the importance of Page Rank and links as well as
directories and social bookmarking sites.
The study used quantitative
and qualitative research methodology. Research result shows that 41 of 66
companies (62%) are maintaining their own website, and that the rest (25
companies, 38%) don’t have their internet presentation or are using other
websites for their promotion. Because the research should provide the website
positioning within SERP, we would be considering only those companies that have
their own website presentation
The purpose of article is to
find the suitable Internet marketing tools that increase the number of visitors
at the business website. For the Analysis of website traffic, Google Analytics
was used. While Facebook Insights tool and correlation analysis was used to
find the degree of dependence between visitor streams at personal and official
business website. Results of the research show a clear correlation between
website traffic at business and personal websites as well as clear correlation
between competition at social network and business websites traffic. The
researchers suggested that the creation of primary website must be supported by
additional activities as social networks activities, frequent actualization of
website and creation secondary websites, that are connected with primary
Research Hypothesis Based on the above
literature review, the following hypothesis will be proposed:
H.1: There is
a statistically significant effect for search engine optimization (SEO)
dimensions on companies using online advertisement in Jordan at (0.05).
H.1-1: There is a statistically significant
effect for SEO connectivity on online advertisement at Jordanian companies at
H.1-2: There is a statistically significant
effect for SEO competitiveness on online advertisement at Jordanian companies
at (0.05).
There is a statistically significant effect for SEO experience on online
advertisement at Jordanian companies at (0.05).
H.1-4: There is a statistically significant
effect for SEO techniques on online advertisement at Jordanian companies at
research will use the analytical descriptive method, where the survey
questionnaire will be built to collect information about the variables of the
study through a sample search. The research instrument was a three-page
questionnaire designed to collect information about the main practices that
contribute most to influence online advertisement by SEO dimensions in
Jordanian companies, which affect their sales and operational performance. A
total of 24 questions in the form of multiple-choices were included. The
research questionnaire was divided into three sections, with most of the scales
standardized to a five-point Likert scale for consistency and ease of
completion. The statistics, reported by Ministry of IT in June 2013, indicate
that 140 companies have active online marketing websites in Jordan. After contacting
those companies, only 121 companies agree to participate in this research. The
questionnaires were administered and gathered during a two-month field survey.
The research visited the designated companies and handled the questionnaire to
the person in charge on marketing operation in the company.
Testing of
In order to determine
the SEO dimensions that influence companies using E-marketing and discern what
kind of factors that affects online advertisement, SEO statements were factor
To test the hypothesis, regression analysis
was used to determine which of the four factors had the utmost impact on
respondents’ toward online advertising. In these analyses the four factors
index scores served as the independent and the overall opinion scores as the
dependent variables. Regressions proved to be significant. In Table 3 the model
summary derived from multiple regression shows that R square is .427 which
indicates the amount of variation in one variable that is accounted for by
another variable. In another word, through the survey with 102 companies, their
opinion of SEO account for 42.7 percent of total impact on online advertisement
in Jordan. This indicates that the level of influence of SEO impact on online
advertisement is relatively moderate. A closer scrutiny of the results show
that SEO competitiveness, SEO experience and SEO techniques were all
significant predictor of online advertisement. While regarding SEO connectivity
it was not significant. principal component factor analysis with Kaiser
Normalization rotation was conducted. Values greater than 0.5 are considered
SEO company in Dubai contribute in increasing the
opportunity to observe online advertisement by customers when they search
engines like Google, MSN, for information about product or services. This could
be extremely important especially in a country like Jordan with 87.3 % of
internet penetration. Based on this fact, this research aims to explore the
impact of SEO dimensions on online advertisement. Companies who are using the
SEO for the purpose of online advertisement are getting more new customer than
the companies using the other methods. After applying the statistical tools
i.e. Factor analysis and later on Regression analysis. Factor Analysis provided
four dimensions which were used later in Multiple Regression. Those factors
were named as; SEO connectivity, SEO competitiveness, SEO experience and SEO
techniques. Results show that SEO connectivity were not significant, while the
remaining three dimensions were all significant. Results show that the
objectives of the research are very much true and there is a visible moderate
impact of the SEO on online advertisement in Jordanian companies utilizing
e-marketing. Since we have countless number of factors that affect SEO, it's
very essential for companies to choose the appropriate tools to be used. For
example, the company must choose carefully the web site's title, meta
description, headings, and page content that search engines can recognize
better than others. SEO can be beneficial by giving an advantage to high
quality sites; such improvement in the quality of search results will attract
more consumers. SEOcompany in sharjah is an
important tool to increase a site's visibility for advertisers who can afford
to pay more. Consequently, the main value of SEO is to avoid the potentially
hefty payments for sponsored clicks.
In order to attract users,
websites need to be optimized. Not only for human users, but also for search
engines. This paper gave an overview of a few most common elements of search
engine optimization. Web sites of six Croatian faculties were analysed, and
results have been given. It can be concluded
that most of the six websites analysed pay attention to SEO company in Dubai as
an important tool for attracting users.
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